BAKİ Almacı

Hacettepe University Electrical and Electronics Engineering -

Robotics · Embedded Systems · Digital Design · Algorithms · Web App

About Me

I'm a junior student at Hacettepe University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I've realized many project and I've attended many competition to see my abilities. I want to be specialized on embedded design/coding. My projects touch many different technologies so I've also experienced in web app,server management and networking.



• Micromouse

This robot made for some competitions with ARM and Arduino technologies

• Traffic Signs Detection - Awarded #2

This robot have used Python3 and Raspberry Pi 3b+ technologies. It awarded from Istanbul Technical University

• Fast Line Follower - Awarded #3

PIC 18f4550 Microcontroller and Embedded C Based programming language(Proton) used for this robot. It awarded from METU

• Baseball Tracker Robot

This robot made for graduation project of Mechanical Engineering students.


• Inspection System With QR Code

This project made for TUBITAK researching competition.

• Group Chat App

I used different technologies in this project like Digital Ocean,MySQL,Socket Programming.

• Currency Trader

This project powered by ElectronJS

• Mini Blog

This project also used many different technologies like PHP,JavaScript,Laravel,MySQL

• Imitation of GPU-Z

This project written on Android Studio for sideproject.


Programming Languages

- Python3
- C & C++
- JavaScript
- Dart

Embedded technologies

- Microchip PIC Microcontroller
- STM ARM Microcontroller
- Atmel Atmega
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi


- Visual Studio
- Proteus
- Autodesk Eagle
- Xilinx ISE
- Cube MX


- GNU/Linux
- GitHub
- OpenCV
- TensorFlow
- Docker


- GNU/Linux
- GitHub
- OpenCV
- TensorFlow
- Docker

Additional Details

Licenses and Certificates

- Reverse Engineering & x86 Architecture (Turkish Linux Users Association)
- Ethical Hacking (ITI)
- Python Scripts on GNU/Linux Systems. (Turkish Linux Users Association)


- Hacettepe University Robotics Society - GNU/Linux & Networking Basics
- Hacettepe University Robotics Society - Git/GitHub VCS

Copyleft • 2020